The reason my professional profile is back (for now)

News + reflections from this almost 30 year old dev...

...which to me, really seems like half my life has gotten by.

Among a lot of things, that wouldn't do any difference here, the main reason I came back to LinkedIn:

Brazil politics...

I "fled" out of Brazil in February 2024, because either A) we have a bunch of animals voting or B) the system is rigged.

It is very hard not to believe in B when you have more than 2 working brain cells and look at things like this:

democracy democracy democracy "6:45pm It's democracy time!"

I cannot stress enough how much I hate the Brazilian government for making me leave the country to look for a better opportunity in life. I wanted to be near my family but Brazil is a country that hates its people, hates innovation, and especially hates whoever tries to win in life!

Given that, the company where I currently work had me on a call recently because I am leaving Brazil as a fiscal resident as well. Basically, I would continue to be paid in BRL (the Brazilian official shitcoin, real), and have all the CLT* "benefits". Which is exactly what I left the country for in the first place...

*CLT is the brazilian worker's registry, the way they keep you on a leash, working to pay taxes for half a year , and I wish this was a joke

Well, given all that nonsense I had already gotten back to LinkedIn for a while and all of this to finish with a: I am available to offers again, I don't want any relation with brazilian companies again, unless they are willing to pay me in USD.

Let's see what life is reserving for the future or maybe this is exactly what was needed, because now I have to either innovate or else I won't have an income. Maybe it's all for the greater good.

Do we really need the disclaimer now since everyone is already using AI to do things?! Regardless, most of the text above was taken from myself, after a very depressing HR meeting.